Before and After Hair Replacement

Before and After Hair Replacement



This lovely lady traveled here seeking advice and hair replacement services. She has seen doctors regarding her alopecia and at this point it has been determined that the loss can not be repaired. Though it was devastating blow to an 8 year battle, the news set her free. Now we are free to style without the fear of damaging and losing hair. She can invest in her appearance without the burden of risk. She was emotionally set free. I watched not only a physical transformation but a mental one. She sought me out because I do private appointments. She went from not wanting to be seen at all to giving me permission to reveal her face for this before and after! This was one of the most transformative appointments I’ve ever had because of the emotional and psychological transition I witnessed! Thank you for trusting me! I can’t wait to work with you more in the future! This is only the beginning! #shenevertells #bookwithbrittiny#lacefrontalsewin#hairreplacementindianapolis